National Ph.D. Meeting

Bologna, Italy · 25-27 March 2024


National Ph.D. Meeting

Bologna, Italy · 25-27 March 2024


National Ph.D. Meeting

Bologna, Italy · 25-27 March 2024



  • 13:00-14:30



    Breakthroughs in cancer research

    Chairs: Erica Mina, Gianluca Petrillo

    Matteo Brignone (Rome)
    Hippo pathway regulation by Bcl-2 in melanoma cells

    Amir Fardin (Milan)
    The in vivo characterization of EPSIN 3 in breast cancer tumorigenesis and metastasis

    Emanuele Vitale (Reggio Emilia)
    Unveiling the RUNX2 functions in thyroid cancer: from gene expression regulation to metabolic reprogramming

    Sara Aloisi (Bologna)
    RCoR2 sustains non-canonical oncogenic transcription as a member of the ADR neuroblastoma core regulatory circuitry

    Alessia Ferraro (Orbassano, TO)
    CITK catalytic activity inhibition leads to DNA damage, cytokinesis failure and cell death in brain tumors


    Poster Session I (odd numbers) [Coffee will be served at the beginning of the poster session]


    Keynote Lecture

    Chair: Margherita Ferretti

    Sara Mainardi (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
    It’s a match! Finding effective drug combinations for genetically defined cancer subtypes



  • 8:30-10:30

    Identifying new molecular players in cellular pathways - part I

    Chairs: Gianluca Petrillo, Elena Poggio

    Davide Acquarone (Turin)
    Melusin modulation of AKT-GSK3β signalling axis mitigates cancer cachexia-induced skeletal muscle atrophy

    Ludovica Altieri (Rome)
    The mitotic protein CENP-F is functionally repurposed during neurodifferentiation

    Gennaro Adabbo (Rome)
    The cytoskeleton regulator inverted formin INF2 regulates the SHH pathway and is involved in medulloblastoma tumorigenesis

    Mariadomenica Lupi (Candiolo, TO)
    Role of TBC1D7 in lipid metabolism in breast cancer cells

    Filomena Amoroso (Naples)
    3D Gastruloids: stem cell embryo models for in vitro teratogenicity testing


    Coffee break


    Keynote Lecture

    Chair: Erica Mina

    Shukry James Habib (Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
    Rejuvenating and repairing aged bones


    Unraveling the multifaceted role of RNA in health and disease

    Chairs: Gianluca Petrillo, Elena Poggio

    Francesco Marocco (Rome)
    The RNA-binding protein PCBP2 is a regulator of microRNAs partition between cell and extracellular vesicles

    Rachele Frigerio (Catanzaro)
    A subset of oncomiRs released in melanoma EVs govern resistance to immunotherapy through the inhibition of CXCL9 cytokine

    Francesca Losi (Modena)
    FRG2A is part of a novel family of lncRNAs affecting nucleolus-associated chromatin interactions and function in FSHD cells




    Giuseppe Mancuso - Promega
    Unlocking cellular secrets: new strategies for comprehensive energy metabolism profiling


    Poster Session II (even numbers) [Coffee will be served at the end of the poster session]


    Innovative technologies in biology research

    Chairs: Erica Mina, Gianluca Petrillo

    Daniele Traversa (Milan)
    SCALT: automatic identification of cell types from single-cell RNA sequencing data

    Cecilia Anceschi (Siena)
    Gold nanoparticles and endothelial progenitor cells: a win-win alliance for targeting tumors

    Beatrice Auletta (Padua)
    Extracellular matrix guides human neuromuscular organoid morphogenesis

    Federica Pagano (Bologna)
    Aptamer to ErbB-3/HER3 as innovative therapeutic agent in HNSCC



  • 8:30-10:30

    Cellular signalling and membrane dynamics

    Chairs: Margherita Ferretti, Elena Poggio

    Maryam Raeispour (Florence)
    Functional interplay between sphingosine 1-phosphate signalling and endocannabinoid system in endometriosis

    Fabrizio Cavallaro (Catania)
    Amyloid-β peptide alters VDAC1 electrophysiology and reduces mitochondrial respiration in an in vitro model of Alzheimer’s disease

    Francesca Cervellini (Naples)
    Dysregulation of lipid droplets dynamics by OCRL-dependent PI4,5P2 accumulation contributes to mitochondrial stress and increased fibrosis in in vitro models of Lowe syndrome

    Filippo Conca (Pavia)
    Shaping membrane-related PKA microdomains

    Sophie Cnudde (Turin)
    Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase C2α controls cardiac contractility through regulation of β2-adrenergic receptor recycling


    Coffee break


    Identifying new molecular players in cellular pathways - part II

    Chairs: Margherita Ferretti, Elena Poggio

    Marianna Maddaluno (Pozzuoli, NA)
    Sestrin2 drives ER-Phagy in response to protein misfolding

    Iacopo Gherardi (Bologna)
    TMEM65 controls mitochondrial activity through respiratory complex I assembly

    Francesco Gregoris (Padua)
    Integrative analysis of protein-protein interaction networks reveals aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) crosstalk in von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)-associated clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC): implications for targeted therapies


    Prizes for best oral presentation ("Luca Daveggio" award) and best posters

  • Poster presenters are required to be available for discussion during their assigned session. Odd-numbered posters are pesented in the first session while even-numbered ones during the second session.

    All posters should stay up for the entire duration of the meeting, independently of the session to which they have been assigned. You are expected to have your poster up the latest by 16:30 of Monday, 25 March. Posters should be taken down at the end of the last poster session on Tuesday, 26 March, the latest before dinner. Posters left behind will be removed and discarded by the venue personnel.

    When preparing your poster please remember that the poster's maximum size is A0 (841 x 1189 mm; width x height).

    Correct format... poster should be PORTRAIT  poster should NOT be LANDSCAPE Wrong format...

    P.1 Damiano Abbo (Turin)
    Suppressing PDAC invasion and enhancing AKT inhibitors efficacy via RNA-based targeting of p130Cas scaffold protein

    P.2 Farouk Aboudou (Padua)
    Investigation of the role of MiT/TFE family members in breast cancer metastatic dormancy

    P.3 Francesca Agnoli (Rome)
    Blocking the Hedgehog-dependent tumor growth by a new selective Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase 1 inhibitor

    P.4 Anna Allocco (Turin)
    Dissecting the crucial role of heme synthesis in supporting Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) and Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) progression

    P.5 Samuele Amadori (Padua)
    Targeting mitochondrial calcium by RNA-based therapy in inflammatory bowel diseases

    P.6 Giorgia Ammirata (Turin)
    Interplay of heme and gluco-lipid metabolism: implications for liver pathophysiology

    P.7 Miriam Aurilia (Pozzuoli, NA)
    High-content imaging approaches to identify new druggable targets to tackle Batten disease

    P.8 Matteo Balestra (Milan)
    The role of RNA and RNA-binding proteins in EGFR non-clathrin endocytosis and its relevance in physiological contexts

    P.9 Martina Bamundo (Naples)
    PARP1 significantly influences the self-renewal and maintenance of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

    P.10 Damiana Battaglini (Rome)
    The MRN complex regulates primary ciliogenesis to sustain neuronal progenitor proliferation

    P.11 Claudia Bellomo (Naples)
    Intestinal organoids as a model to study autophagy flux in celiac patients

    P.12 Andrea Francesco Benvenuto (Milan)
    Role of Epsin3-mediated E-Cadherin endocytosis in partial EMT, breast cancer cell invasion and metastasis

    P.13 Mattia Bignotti (Brescia)
    Identification of an exosite contributing to high-specificity interaction between alpha-1-antitrypsin and neutrophil elastase

    P.14 Jacopo Biotti (Busto Arsizio, VA)
    UHRF1 acts as positive prognostic factor in gastric and colorectal cancer repressing embryonic morphogenesis genes

    P.15 Naym Blal (Fisciano, SA)
    Investigating on the biological mechanisms underlying the macrophages-ECM crosstalk

    P.16 Lorenza Bodo (Turin)
    Impaired cAMP/CREB1 signaling drives mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle during cancer cachexia

    P.17 Chiara Bongiovanni (Bologna)
    BMP7 promotes cardiomyocyte regeneration

    P.18 Federica Borriello (Naples)
    Involvement of Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4 (LPAR4)- dependent signaling in direct cardiac reprogramming

    P.19 Luna Buzzoni (Ferrara)
    Immunodetection of extracellular vesicles in experimental mouse melanoma

    P.20 Roberta Cacciatore (Milan)
    Molecular and structural investigation of the p53 regulatory pathway mediated by the Numb isoforms

    P.21 Silvia Cacciotti (Rome)
    Evaluation of effectiveness therapeutics of small molecules in human glioblastoma cells

    P.22 Tuba Rana Caglar (Rome)
    Role of RDS 3337 heparanase inhibitor on crosstalk between apoptosis and autophagy in human glioblastoma cells

    P.23 Daniela Caissutti (Rome)
    Chronic stress on neuronal cells causes endogenous TDP43 cleavage and aggregation

    P.24 Emanuela Cascone (Naples)
    Stem cell-based disease model of hepatic organoids to study the cellular phenotype of ATP7B mutant genotype

    P.25 Mariangela Cavallaro (Fisciano, SA)
    Identifying epigenetic changes linked to TBX1 activation

    P.26 Beatrice Cavina (Bologna)
    Optimizing liquid biopsy approaches for ovarian cancer patients

    P.27 Suvarna Chatterjee (Trieste)
    MicroRNA "miR-30d" suppresses innate immune signalling in tumor cells by attenuating the cGAS/STING/IFN-I pathway

    P.28 Diego Chianese (Ferrara)
    Molecular characterization of calcium homeostasis upon dormancy induction in the tumoral context

    P.29 Marianna Ciotola (Naples)
    Targeting pancreatic cancer stem cells in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma for enhanced therapeutic efficacy

    P.30 Martina Coco (Turin)
    MiR-148b induces mitochondrial dysfuncton and affects tumor progression in melanoma

    P.31 Micaela Compagnoni (Milan)
    Assessing a molecular signature for induction chemotherapy response in laryngeal and
    hypopharyngeal cancers

    P.32 Giulia Conti (Rome)
    Matched germline and somatic whole exome sequencing: analysis of male breast cancer patients with multiple primary malignancies

    P.33 Simona Corrà (Bologna)
    Role of ABCG2 transporter in chemoresistance mechanisms in ovarian cancer  

    P.34 Sara Cozzubbo (Turin)
    miR-214 induces cell metabolism rewiring which leads to tumor progression

    P.35 Samuele Crotti (Modena)
    HSPB3 loss impairs motor neuron differentiation and the maturation of neuromuscular junctions

    P.36 Elisabetta Cuna (Bologna)
    Dissecting cellular mechanisms underlying ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol effects on morphine-mediated signaling to identify more effective and safer combinations of analgesics

    P.37 Silvia Da Pra (Bologna)
    Exploiting glucocorticoid receptor antagonization to enhance NRG1-induced mitogenic activity: a promising strategy for cardiac regeneration

    P.38 Francesco De Giorgio (Turin)
    Endothelial FLVCR1a controls Notch signalling and lipid metabolism to accomplish angiogenesis

    P.39 Greta Deidda Tarquini (Rome)
    Cerium oxide nanoparticles counteract UV-induced cell damage and mutagenesis, thus promising preventing UV-promoted skin cancer development and progression

    P.40 Mariagrazia Di Gennaro (Caserta)
    Unravelling the role of the TGN export machinery for basolateral proteins in Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) transport and processing

    P.41 Marta Di Giuliani (Rome)
    Deciphering the impact of a diagnostic/prognostic three-miRNA signature in the response to treatments in human gliomas

    P.42 Antonietta Esposito (Naples)
    Identify molecular pathway regulating cell proliferation through glycosphingolipids biosynthesis

    P.43 Gaia Fattorini (Rome)
    Development of cell imaging-tools to identify prognostic and predictive biomarkers in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP)

    P.44 Margherita Ferretti (Rome)
    Searching for NF-Y-dependent signalling pathways in the progression from colorectal primary tumor to liver metastases

    P.45 Francesco Formaggio (Bologna)
    Calcium and mitochondrial dysfunctions in sensory neurons: insights into the cellular mechanisms of neuropathic pain in Fabry disease

    P.46 Marco Franciosi (Naples)
    Transcriptional drivers at the root of the cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

    P.47 Elena Frediani (Florence)
    New strategies for control Programmed Death Ligand-1 endocytosis to improve cancer checkpoint inhibitor therapy

    P.48 Serena Fuda (Rome)
    The effects of plastic nanoparticles on human and mouse primary and immortalized cell lines

    P.49 Francesca Furone (Naples)
    Modelling celiac disease: intestinal organoids for precision medicine, dream or reality?

    P.50 Salvatore Gagliotta (Pozzuoli, NA)
    Unraveling tuberous sclerosis pathogenesis with CRISPR-modified kidney organoids

    P.51 Gaia Galluzzi (Camerino)
    Walking down the road of neurodevelopment to obtain both 2D and 3D cortical cultures from hiPSCs using one single protocol

    P.52 Noemi Ghiglione (Turin)
    Elucidating MLK4 role in pancreatic cancer progression and metabolism

    P.53 Stefania Giacovazzi (Ferrara)
    Effects of NLRP3/PML axis on obesity-driven inflammation

    P.54 Cinzia Girone (Bologna)
    Activation of ALK signaling pathway induces DNA damage response in colorectal cancer

    P.55 Enrico Altiero Giusto (Ferrara)
    Effectiveness of mesalazine in long-term treatment in patients with Crohn's Disease
    A therapeutic agent in patients with gastrointestinal disorders - IBD and CRC -

    P.56 Francesco Greco (Rome)
    Expression of YAP target genes is supported by ARID1A through maintenance of an open chromatin state at YAP bound enhancers

    P.57 Alessandra Grieco (Modena)
    Exploring EGLN1 as a therapeutic target for KRAS mutated lung cancer: insights into mithocondrial modulation

    P.58 Federico Guerra (Bologna)
    Cell-cycle phase specific roles of alternative DNA polymerases and R-loops in genome instability by G-quadruplex structures

    P.59 Eduardo Ibello (Naples)
    Three-dimensional environment sensitizes pancreatic cancer cells to the anti-proliferative impact of budesonide through the reprogramming of energy metabolism

    P.60 Alessio Incocciati (Rome)
    Tailoring hydrophobicity in human H ferritin for targeted delivery of ellipticine and doxorubicin to tumor cells

    P.61 Angela Iuzzolino (Rome)
    ATAT1 silencing affects microtubule cellular function in mitosis and interphase

    P.62 Ozlem Kartal (Padua)
    Targeting of mitochondrial calcium and metabolism to counteract sarcopenia

    P.63 Foteini Dionysia Koufi (Bologna)
    Unveiling the role of astrocytes in Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD)

    P.64 Angela La Grua (Milan)
    Perfect genomic correction of Human iPSCs from Becker Muscular Dystrophy through chromosome transplantation and generation of functional cardiomyocytes

    P.65 Laura Lanteri (Bologna)
    DEC1 involvement in the adaptive response to respiratory complex I impairment in high grade serous ovarian cancer

    P.66 Gianmaria Leone (Naples)
    Dissecting and piloting the intracellular trafficking of adeno-associated viruses (AAVs)

    P.67 Ilaria Leone (Naples)
    Characterization of extracellular vesicles for early detection and treatment resistance in lung cancer

    P.68 Elena Luppi (Bologna)
    Sudden cardiac death: mtDNA variability in an Italian cohort

    P.69 Eleonora Malavasi (Udine)
    XMH95: a new apoptotic strategy against aggressive leiomyosarcoma

    P.70 Valeria Manzini (Rome)
    The role of lysine histone demethylase KDM5B isoform on cellular migration and transcription regulation in breast cancer

    P.71 Sara Martino (Naples)
    Detecting microRNAs as laryngeal cancer biomarkers via SERS biosensor based on electrospun nanofibers decorated with in situ synthesized gold nanoparticles

    P.72 Martina Mascolo (Naples)
    Therapeutic targeting of Glioma Stem Cells in Glioblastoma Multiforme with a promising miRNA-340-5p/A40s aptamer

    P.73 Anna Mastrangelo (Rome)
    Investigation of mechanisms regulating AurkA nuclear localization and oncogenic functions and their dependence on TPX2

    P.74 Noemi Mencarelli (Chieti)
    Exploring the synergistic effect of Graminex G96 Pollen and Teupol 25P on human macrophages and prostatic cancer cells

    P.75 Marco Mergiotti (Turin)
    Into the Heart at Single Cell Resolution: Unveiling Transcriptional Changes of Doxorubicin-induced Cardiotoxicity

    P.76 Federica Michetti (Rome)
    HDAC1-3 controls WT1 inhibitory effect on H19 expression during MMT induction

    P.77 Celeste Milani (Padua)
    In vitro and in vivo testing RNA delivery and translation efficiency by novel split-GFP based delivery sensor

    P.78 Sara Milioni (Bologna)
    Respiratory complex I deficiency triggers OMA1-mediated integrated stress response and affects lipid homeostasis during glucose restriction

    P.79 Erica Mina (Turin)
    FK506 bypasses the effect of erythroferrone in cancer cachexia skeletal muscle atrophy

    P.80 Alessandra Morselli (Bologna)
    Hijacking NRG1/ERBB3 axis to overcome Osimertinib resistance in NSCLC

    P.81 Francesca Nanetti (Bologna)
    Dissecting tumor microenvironment remodeling triggered by targeting complex I in ovarian cancer 

    P.82 Arianna Ortolano (Rome)
    Tackling the invasive properties of drug resistant melanomas using locked nucleic acid (LNA) to inhibit the oncomiRs miR-4443 and miR-4488

    P.83 Pampa Pain (Padua)
    Understanding the effect of inflammation on mtDNA release under mitochondrial cation aberrations

    P.84 Alessandra Palazzi (Naples)
    Functional loss of HIPK2 alters TDP-43 subcellular localization: a new potential mechanism of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) pathogenesis

    P.85 Iulia Pelisenco (Brescia)
    miR-23b-3p, miR-126-3p and GAS5 encapsulated in extracellular vesicles from breast cancer cells treated with sorafenib inhibited the growth of tumor xenografts in zebrafish model

    P.86 Giulia Pellielo (Ferrara)
    The impact of mitochondria in the crosstalk between airway and phagocyte cells in cystic fibrosis

    P.87 Gianluca Petrillo (Naples)
    Aptamers: an innovative tool for new biomarkers discovery in Alk+ NSCLC

    P.88 Ilaria Piazza (Padua)
    Testosterone depletion drives loss of skeletal muscle mass impinging on intracellular Ca2+ signaling

    P.89 Claudia Pignataro (Naples)
    BCL2 targeting overcomes the stroma mediated resistance to crizotinib in ALK+ anaplastic large cell lymphoma

    P.90 Sara Pini (Modena)
    Testing a T2T-based diagnostic pipeline to explain clinical variability in a rare hereditary disease: the case of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy

    P.91 Anna Piscone (Naples)
    Investigating the Contribution of the Base Excision Repair Pathway to Genomic Instability

    P.92 Fabiola Piscopo (Pozzuoli, NA)
    MiR-181c/d regulates drug-sensitivity by targeting SIRT1 in biliary duct cancer

    P.93 [WITHDRAWN]

    P.94 Elena Poggio (Padua)
    Unraveling the power of inter-organelle communication: a focus on DJ-1-dependent mitochondria-organelles contact sites remodelling

    P.95 Giulia Polacchini (Udine)
    Reduction of oxidative stress and promotion of autophagy by oleuropein aglycone in induced senescent skeletal muscle cells

    P.96 Francesca Polonara (Rome)
    DNA damage response does affect neither the localization of NBS1 at the centrosome/basal body nor the primary ciliogenesis

    P.97 Giovanna Ponticelli (Naples)
    Generation and characterization of lung organ-on-chip and organoids to tackle lung fibrosis

    P.98 Virginia Porzio (Rome)
    Expression analysis of circulating microRNAs for the identification of clinically relevant biomarkers for oral squamous cell carcinoma

    P.99 Lorenzo Prever (Turin)
    PI4KA early-cytokinetic function prevents tetraploidy induction and breast cancer progression 

    P.100 Monica Procacci (Bologna)
    Proteome diversity predicts functional differences of micronuclei in human cancer cells

    P.101 Noemi Puccio (Modena)
    Novel therapeutic frontiers for multiple myeloma: exploring the functional implications of NEAT1 and AURKA double-targeting

    P.102 Aurora Puce (Rome)
    New molecular targeted therapies in adult and pediatric osteosarcomas

    P.103 Giulia Quattrini (Monza)
    Embryonic hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells show differential susceptibility to leukemic transformation upon acquisition of JMML-associated KrasG12D mutation

    P.104 Luca Quattrocchi (Rome)
    RNA BPs role in extracellular vesicles-mediated cellular communication

    P.105 Lucia Renzullo (Turin)
    Extracellular Nucleophosmin1 promotes breast cancer progression

    P.106 Alessandro Ruocco (Naples)
    DNA aptamer-based approach: an emerging tool to fight Huntington’s disease

    P.107 Miriam Russo (Pesche, IS)
    Lavender angustifolia essential oil and its terpenic components impair cell proliferation and migration in a cell model of glioblastoma

    P.108 Silvia Sabeni (Bologna)
    Application of CRISPR/Cas9 technology for studying and developing experimental therapy in a mouse model of RRM2B-related disease

    P.109 Francesca Sacchi (Bologna)
    Dissecting the role of corticosteroid receptors in cardiomyocyte proliferative and regenerative ability

    P.110 Erika Santi (Bologna)
    Experimental model for studying clinical variability of Thymidine Kinase 2 deficiency with induced pluripotent stem cells

    P.111 Miriana Sbrissa (Padua)
    Impact of ETC complex I dysfunction on mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis

    P.112 Giulia Schiavoni (Rome)
    Exploring novel therapeutical vulnerabilities in gastric cancer preclinical models

    P.113 Adele Serra (Fisciano, SA)
    Lumacaftor (vx-809), the CFTR corrector, reverses the ER-induced stress condition 

    P.114 Silvia Sozzi (Rome)
    HIPK2 role in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis

    P.115 Chiara Sugoni (Perugia)
    The new emerging role of NLRP4 inflammasome platform as regulator of TBK1 and AKT in T47D breast cancer cell line

    P.116 Irene Taddei (Rome)
    Targeting of a novel interplay between tyrosine kinases and NRF2 enhances sensitivity to standard treatment in triple negative breast cancer

    P.117 Giuditta Tancredi (Padua)
    Genetic Vector Control strategy for a major malaria vector, A. arabiensis

    P.118 Marialuisa Testa (Pozzuoli, NA)
    Advancing therapeutic interventions for Fabry nephropathy: harnessing the power of organoid models and AAV-mediated gene therapy to tackle kidney pathology in Fabry disease

    P.119 Marta Urbani (Rome)
    Therapy-promoted prostate cancer repopulation and acquired cell-resistance (CRAC) implies vulnerability to ferroptosis via lipoxygenase activation

    P.120 Giulia Vari (Rome)
    An oncosuppressive serum miRNA signature as a predictive biomarker and potential therapeutic target in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

    P.121 Enza Maria Verde (Modena)
    SUMO2/3 conjugation of TDP-43 protects against aggregation

    P.122 Daniele Viavattene (Turin)
    mTOR triggers STAT3 S-P at the ER inhibiting calcium-mediated apoptosis in TNBC

    P.123 Zaibunnisa Zaibunnisa (Busto Arsizio, VA)
    IGFL1 is a new ERG induced and secreted factor in prostate cancer with immune regulatory activity and clinical relevance